Not even definite my chordal analysis is correct.
But based 0n my analysis, this song doesnt seem to follow the standard chord function of T - PD - D -T. Instead its introduction has more of T - D - PD - T.
I have a feeling my analysis has some mistakes. HELP!!
Its phase is rather standard with short short long for the introduction.
I was very confused what chordal function Bm should come under... i thought it felt more like a passing chord to help in progression..
Hi Tsun Nan,
I quite agree with you that the phrasing has a sentence structure in the sense of a "short-short-long" structure.
In Bar 2, you harmonised the chord as IV/V. I chose, rather, to see the A-note as a passing note rather than a note in the chord itself; I read this chord as a G7 chord.
Your view was interesting (about the T-D-PD). I'm not sure if the way I saw it is right or wrong, but I considered the harmonic function to be (T-PD-D)
i.e. Tonic = G major
Predominant = C major
Dominant = C on D
That's what I could get of the excerpt so far. Feel free to share your views.
Nan, you've chosen a pretty tricky song to do your harmonic analysis. Your phrase analysis is fine: the intro and the opening vocal phrase both have a sentence structure.
Now, for the harmonic analysis, I would like you to have a second go at it. Here are some clarifications to help you:
i. I've explained in class that the chordal seventh for a dominant chord must be a minor 7th [Anna, plse note], hence there is no V/IV at b. 2. Instead, do you notice the G-F#-E inner line across bs. 1-3?[Anna, you are right about A being passing in function]
ii. Bar 4 is the tricky bit - here consider the upper-voice C major chord as tending towards a D chord which does not materialize, it is what we call an elision. On this understanding, what do you make of the harmonic function? Do you agree with Anna's reading?
iii. The Bm chord can be heard as part of the tonic expansion.
Finally, please read the score more carefully, this should help you discover the other minor mistakes.
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